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Teacher Abuse

Teacher Sexual Abuse Attorney

No one can fully understand the trauma and betrayal caused by child sexual abuse than the survivors themselves. That betrayal is amplified when the abuser is one of the child's educators, a person entrusted with the safety and development of children.

Unfortunately, these incidents often go unreported because children frequently can't adequately explain what has happened to them.

Suppose you or your child has experienced such abuse. In that case, California law affords survivors the right to collect civil damages (apart from any criminal charges) even if the abuse happened long ago. At the Injury Justice Law Firm, we have both the legal knowledge and experience to help you get the compensation and justice you deserve.

California Teacher Sexual Abuse Attorney
Child victims and survivors of teacher sexual abuse can seek justice by filing a civil lawsuit for financial compensation.

Educator and teacher sexual misconduct is far more common than many realize. Studies reveal that as many as 11.7% of K-12 students in the United States experience some form of sexual misconduct by educators.

While only a small percentage of these incidents escalate into full sexual abuse, only about 4 percent of these incidents are ever reported. Many survivors suffer in silence, often too fearful or overwhelmed to speak out.

When it comes to sexual abuse in schools, teachers are among the most common perpetrators of rape and sexual assault of students. They have the opportunity to work alone with children and are in a position of authority, allowing them to prey on their victims more easily.

Sometimes, sexual predators seek out professions, like teaching, that allow them to meet, groom, and abuse new victims.  

Under the law, school officials are mandated reporters, meaning if they suspect or know of sexual abuse, they are required to report it to law enforcement or a child welfare agency.

Simply put, if a school administrator hears a rumor of sexual abuse or observes behavior they find problematic, they must report it. The same is true of other teachers, school aides, counselors, etc.

Our California attorneys for sexual abuse can hold schools and school districts accountable for teachers who sexually abuse children. They must be held accountable for their unthinkable actions in a court of law.

Long-Term Damage Caused by Child Sexual Abuse

The impact of child sexual abuse can extend far beyond the incident itself, leaving survivors with lasting emotional, psychological, and even physical scars. Survivors of abuse often experience a range of difficulties, including:

  • Psychological trauma: Feelings of shame, guilt, and self-blame are common among survivors. Many develop long-term anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • Trust and relationship difficulties: Betrayal by an educator, someone who holds a position of authority and trust, can make it difficult for survivors to form meaningful and safe relationships.
  • Academic and professional setbacks: Survivor studies show that child sexual abuse can disrupt educational progress, leading to lower academic performance that impacts future career opportunities.
  • Health consequences: Survivors may experience chronic stress-related health problems, such as headaches, gastrointestinal issues, and insomnia.

Signs Your Child May Be a Victim

Child sexual abuse is horrific and can be difficult to identify. Physical signs, such as bruising around the genitals, anus, or pelvis, difficulty walking or sitting, or pain when using the bathroom, might indicate abuse at any age. Still, behaviors can change depending on the age of the child.

Identifying child sexual abuse can be challenging, particularly as children may find it difficult to disclose what they've experienced. However, some signs may indicate an educator, teacher, or another trusted figure is abusing a child. Key behavioral and emotional indicators include:

  • Withdrawal or isolation: Children who are normally social may suddenly become withdrawn and reluctant to engage with others.
  • Fear of a specific educator or school setting: If your child seems anxious or distressed about attending school or being around a particular teacher, this should raise concerns.
  • Unexplained changes in mood: Frequent mood swings, anger, sadness, or emotional outbursts may signal underlying distress.
  • Regression in behavior: Younger children may revert to earlier behaviors, such as thumb-sucking or bed-wetting, while older children may show signs of rebellion or acting out.
  • Nightmares or trouble sleeping: Disturbed sleep patterns are common among children experiencing trauma.
  • Unexplained gifts or secretive behaviors: Grooming behaviors like giving gifts, special favors, or establishing secrecy may precede physical abuse.

If you suspect abuse, listen to your child carefully and seek professional help immediately. It's also important to document any concerning behaviors or interactions your child discloses, as this may become valuable evidence in a legal case.

Who Can Be Held Liable for Educator Child Sexual Abuse?

When an educator abuses their position of trust, both the individual abuser and the broader institution may be held responsible. Survivors and their families have the right to pursue civil claims against various parties depending on the circumstances of the abuse. These may include:

  • The perpetrator - The educator or staff member who committed the abusive acts can be sued for the physical, emotional, and psychological harm caused by their misconduct.
  • The school or school district - Schools have a duty to protect students from harm. If the institution knew or should have known about prior misconduct, ignored warning signs, or failed to perform proper background checks, it may be held liable for negligence.
  • Supervisors and administrators - Principals and school administrators who fail to act on complaints or allowed a culture of abuse to persist may also be accountable for enabling misconduct.

Civil claims can provide survivors with compensation for medical expenses, therapy, lost wages, and the emotional toll of the abuse while also shining a light on institutional failings that allowed the abuse to occur.

What Should You Do If You Suspect Sexual Abuse?

Suppose you suspect a teacher is sexually abusing your child or your child is exhibiting signs of sexual abuse, and you believe a teacher may be molesting them. In that case, you should take the following steps:

  • Speak with your child. Sometimes, they might tell you someone at their school has abused them.
  • Police and Hospital. If your child tells you they were sexually abused, call the police immediately and file a report and go to the hospital and request a rape kit.
  • Photograph the injuries. If your child sustained bruising, take pictures to document the injuries and give them to the police.
  • Encourage them to talk to the police. Talking to law enforcement can be intimidating to a child. They may not want you to hear the details of the sexual abuse, but you need to ensure they have an advocate on their side.
  • Contact an attorney. You will need legal representation from a law firm with experience in handling sexual abuse of children by teachers and school staff, such as in cases where there was sexual touching and inappropriate romantic relationships.
  • Social Media. You should close your child's social media profiles so there are no posts about the abuse that might harm the case.

You should refrain from contacting the school or confronting the teacher. Simply put, let the police handle it as they know how to handle these situations.

A Path to Justice for Survivors in California

California offers one of the most survivor-friendly legal landscapes for child sexual abuse cases. The state recently eliminated the statute of limitations for civil claims related to child sexual abuse. This means that adult survivors, no matter how long ago the abuse occurred, can now come forward and file a lawsuit.

Child Sexual Abuse Lawsuit

Our law firm handles cases involving teachers from elementary school through middle school and high school. We understand the potential effects such atrocious behavior can have on your child and will thoroughly advocate on their behalf.

At the same time, we understand that discretion is needed to protect your child. We provide a safe space for families where you and your child can feel free to discuss all your questions. We will respect you and your rights and do whatever is necessary to protect them under the law during this challenging time.

If you or a loved one has been affected by sexual abuse at the hands of an educator, we are here to help. At the Injury Justice Law Firm, we offer compassionate, knowledgeable legal representation for survivors of child sexual abuse.

Our experienced attorneys will thoroughly investigate the circumstances of your case, identify all liable parties, and fight relentlessly to secure justice on your behalf. For more information, contact our law firm, based in Los Angeles, California.

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If you are the victim of sexual abuse or suffered a catastrophic injury in an accident, our experienced Los Angeles personal injury attorneys will protect your legal rights and help you recover compensation. We are available 24/7 for your risk-free initial consultation in Beverly Hills, Encino, Glendale, Hermosa Beach, Lancaster, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Marina Del Rey, Redondo Beach, Torrance, Santa Monica, Valencia, Ventura County and across the State of California.
