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Wrongful Death

California Wrongful Death Lawyer

Los Angeles Wrongful Death Lawyer

Losing a close family member is always difficult. Such a loss can be even more devastating if it is due to a sudden and unexpected accident or act of violence.

As in every state, California has specific laws setting out important legal rights for surviving family members after a tragic loss in Section 3921 of the California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI 3921). These wrongful death laws are specific and can be confusing, so you should never hesitate to contact a skilled Los Angeles personal injury attorney at our law firm to ensure your rights under the law are fully protected.

Dealing with the loss of a loved one is a nightmare that never seems to go away. Dealing with such a loss can be even more difficult when the death resulted from another's negligence, recklessness, or perhaps even an intentional act.

You do not have to face this alone. We are available to help you begin your road to recovery and will competently and aggressively advocate on your behalf to help you obtain justice and compensation for the loss you have suffered.

Our legal team has seen firsthand the effects that a wrongful death can have on your family. We understand how to help you through every step of the legal process so that you can obtain the financial recovery you deserve from the at-fault party. We know this is a difficult time for you and your family and we are here to help, so please call our office today to learn more.

Causes of Wrongful Death

A death is considered to be “wrongful” for the law when it was caused by another party's negligence or wrongful act. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that more than 136,000 people in the U.S. died from accidental injuries in a single year, making such accidents the 4th most common cause of death among adults.

Many of these accidents are caused by the negligence of someone else. In addition, the CDC reports that nearly 16,000 people died due to homicide/fatal assaults.

Many types of various incidents can result in a wrongful death claim. These include accidents on-premises, defective products, nursing home abuse, or intentional violence.  However, the following are some common examples of causes in California:

Proving that negligence or intentional wrongdoing caused the death of your loved one is not always an easy task. Wrongful death claims usually require a significant amount of investigation and evidence gathering before someone else can be held liable for the death.

We have immediate access to skilled private investigators and other resources that can help us build a strong and persuasive case for your wrongful death claim.

Can You File a Claim for Wrongful Death?

Not just anyone can come forward and claim losses incurred by a wrongful death. The law sets out specific close family members and proven dependents who have this right, including:

  • Surviving spouse or domestic partner
  • Surviving children
  • Surviving stepchildren (if they can show financial dependence on the deceased)
  • Surviving parents (if they can show financial dependence on the deceased)
  • If none of the above exist, anyone who would be entitled to inherit from the deceased according to California intestate law

Our Los Angeles wrongful death lawyers will evaluate your relationship with the deceased and advise you of your specific rights and what you may have to prove to file a successful claim.

Protecting Your Rights after a Wrongful Death

Once we have evaluated that you are eligible to recover after a wrongful death, our law firm can file a legal claim for you to seek compensation for the following losses, among others. As the family member of a deceased, several types of damages may be available in your case:

  • Bills for medical treatment and hospital care due to the injuries that caused the death
  • Costs of the funeral and burial
  • Income that the deceased would have earned during their life if they had lived
  • Loss of services to the household of the deceased, including childcare and housework
  • Loss of financial support to the household due to the death
  • Loss of moral support, love, affection, attention, guidance, and community of the deceased
  • The gifts or benefits that your loved one would have been entitled to during his or her lifetime.

While some losses can be proven by providing bills, other losses are intangible and the value can be subjective depending on the circumstances of your losses. We know how to prove the full extent of your losses so that you receive all of the compensation you deserve.

Protecting Your Future After The Loss Of A Family Member

While we cannot undo the damage that has been done to your family, our attorneys can empower you with the knowledge, experience, and resources to ensure you and your family receive the maximum possible compensation.

We have an excellent team of experts available for immediate evaluation and analysis of your case to make sure that all physical evidence and eyewitness testimony is preserved. Our private investigators will promptly research and interview all witnesses, potential defendants, and wrongdoers to preserve your rights against every person, company, or government entity responsible for your loss.

If you suspect that another person caused a death in your family, you should not delay in discussing a possible case. You only have limited time to file a claim under California law.

Call our law firm right away at 310-734-7974 to learn about your legal options during a free case evaluation. We are here to intervene in your case and begin helping you on your road to recovery.

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