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Unsafe Lane Change

Unsafe Lane Change Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit

Unsafe Lane Change Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Vehicle Drivers in Los Angeles often make sudden or unsafe lane changes, which are very dangerous to motorcyclists. Many drivers cut off motorcycles or simply don't see them.

Unsafe lane change accidents are a frequent occurrence on the bustling streets and highways of Los Angeles, often resulting in motorcyclists being struck by vehicle drivers.

This includes switching lanes or merging onto a highway from the entrance ramp. Vehicle drivers must always be aware of their surroundings by checking their mirrors before changing to another lane.

Unfortunately, many drivers switch lanes without taking proper safety measures, causing a motorcycle accident.

An unsafe lane collision, which is entirely preventable, can occur when a vehicle driver fails to check their blind spots, use their turn signals, weaves in and out of traffic, or cuts off a motorcycle.

Many motorcyclists try to reduce the risk of these types of accidents by staying out of a vehicle's blind spot or keeping enough distance between their motorcycle and the vehicle in front of them. Some even use reflective gear to increase their visibility to vehicle drivers.

Injured by a Careless or Negligent Driver? We Can Help You

However, these preventive measures are often not enough to prevent a collision due to an unsafe lane change. If you were injured in an unsafe lane change accident, remember you have legal rights. You may be able to bring a personal injury claim against the negligent driver. This means you can seek compensation for your injuries and other losses.

These types of collisions are typically caused by careless driving. A lawsuit based on a theory of negligence may be possible, and damages from the motorist may be recovered.

The driver of the vehicle is considered negligent when they fail to use the care that a prudent person would use in a similar situation to avoid potential harm to others. This type of personal injury lawsuit would require that our lawyers establish that the defendant failed to use an adequate level of care that caused your injuries.

California motorists are legally obligated to exercise reasonable care while driving, including when changing lanes, to ensure the safety of others on the road.

Unsafe Lane Change And Consequences

Motorcycle accidents happen way too often. Due to the lack of special safety measures, motorcycle riders are more vulnerable on the road. On some occasions, motorcycle drivers may turn into victims of people who are distracted while driving.

Many car drivers push motorcyclists straight into oncoming traffic, cut them off, or carelessly change lanes. Most of the time, passenger vehicle drivers who trigger the accident do not pay enough attention to the motorcycle while trying to change lanes. During such accidents, motorcycle riders suffer heavy injuries.

Even though the collision was quite mild for the car driver, even the smallest hit can cause severe damage to the motorcyclist. When passenger vehicle drivers are not careful or attentive enough, they fail to notice other vehicles that are changing lanes, too.

Car drivers are obligated to pay close attention to everything that is happening on the road at all times, including changing lanes with caution.

They should use their turn signals, check their rear-view mirrors, and consider the blind spot. If the passenger vehicle driver was negligent or reckless when changing lanes, the motorcycle rider who suffered because of those actions has every right to demand compensation for any damage.

In addition, if the motorcycle driver was killed in such an accident, the relatives of the victim will also have the right to demand all the compensation from the passenger vehicle driver.

Get Legal Help From an Accident Lawyer

If you were involved in an unsafe lane change motorcycle accident, you would need to connect the vehicle driver's failure to use care to your injuries.

If the connection is direct and foreseeable, you can most likely hold the defendant liable for damages. Motorcycle riders may suffer injuries in two different ways, the physical and emotional, whenever it comes to motorcycle collisions. Surviving victims will need to be dealing with pricey medical expenses, loss of wages as well as lengthy recovery.

Compensation for injuries related to an unsafe lane change motorcycle accident may include reimbursement for past and future medical costs, lost income from your job, property damage, and pain and suffering, among others.

If your relative was killed in a crash, you can seek compensation for their medical expenses, burial costs, and other losses by filing a wrongful death lawsuit.

If you or your loved ones were traumatized in a motorcycle accident, do not hesitate to get in touch with our law firm as quickly as possible to receive a free consultation. This means you can discuss your case with our experienced attorneys at no cost or obligation.

Our qualified injury attorneys, with their extensive experience and expertise, will do everything in their power to make sure that you and your family will get the compensation you deserve.

If you sustained injuries due to an unsafe lane change, please contact our law office at 310-734-7974 or use the contact form to request a case review online. Don't wait; take the first step toward getting the compensation you deserve.


If you are the victim of sexual abuse or suffered a catastrophic injury in an accident, our experienced Los Angeles personal injury attorneys will protect your legal rights and help you recover compensation. We are available 24/7 for your risk-free initial consultation in Beverly Hills, Encino, Glendale, Hermosa Beach, Lancaster, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Marina Del Rey, Redondo Beach, Torrance, Santa Monica, Valencia, Ventura County and across the State of California.
